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School Stationery Themes Page 2

To save your 8.5x11 FREE stationeries, right click and "Save Target As..." on the text links under each thumbnail heading

The jpg files are for creating your own FREE stationeries and FREE scrapbook journaling pages using journaling or word processing software such as OpenOffice.

The pdf files are for printing and hand writing on your FREE Stationery Downloads.

The .dot files are for Microsoft Word stationery.

graduation or diplomas cap and gown comencement   grad caps thrown finished with school   children graduation stationery for computer

School 317               School 318               School 319

schoolstat317.jpg        schoolstat318.jpg        schoolstat319.jpg

schoolstat317.pdf        schoolstat318.pdf        schoolstat319.pdf

schoolstat317.dot        schoolstat318.dot        schoolstat319.dot


pencils pens and books supplies   writing on the black board blackboard with chalk   school supplies ruler, glue, pencil and scissors borders

School 320               School 321               School 322

schoolstat320.jpg        schoolstat321.jpg        schoolstat322.jpg

schoolstat320.pdf        schoolstat321.pdf        schoolstat322.pdf

schoolstat320.dot        schoolstat321.dot        schoolstat322.dot


school awards and locker combinations for books   notepaper background note books note paper faded    faded note book backgroundss subjects

School 323               School 324               School 325

schoolstat323.jpg        schoolstat324.jpg        schoolstat325.jpg

schoolstat323.pdf        schoolstat324.pdf        schoolstat325.pdf

schoolstat323.dot        schoolstat324.dot        schoolstat325.dot


stuff for school elementary, junior high or high school   preschool bears kindergarten boys and girls learning   music class music notes instruments band or chorus, choir

School 326               School 327               School 328

schoolstat326.jpg        schoolstat327.jpg        schoolstat328.jpg

schoolstat326.pdf        schoolstat327.pdf        schoolstat328.pdf

schoolstat326.dot        schoolstat327.dot        schoolstat328.dot



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